Suppose you won the lottery, and you'll have the chance to choose: car or cash? $1 million or Koenigsegg CCX? What would you choose? Hard decision, no?

To help you make you decision let suppose you;re home town is only having 12-kilometer road. What would it be then? Move to another town, no?

This lucky guy, Louie Edgi, has won a Koenigsegg CCX sports car from the Cash and Cars Lottery, but he chose to take the money instead. The CCX, one of the lottery's grand prizes, is unique in Canada and considered to be the second-fastest production car in the world.

To comment his decission, Edgi said: "The car is a Swedish make; it'll do 400 kilometres an hour. I don't see anybody would need that. It's worth a million dollars, so they gave me the option of taking the car or the cash. But living here in Norman Wells, I can't really see myself needing a car."
