We were informed last week of the unfortunate demise of a McLaren F1 that inexplicably burst into flames on Airport Boulevard in Santa Rosa, California after its driver reportedly took it out for a spin after leaving it in storage for the past six months.

The owner of the car, who spent a staggering $2 million, escaped without any physical injuries but it remains to be seen how he’s doing emotionally after such a traumatic experience.

Fortunately for him, his prized vehicle was insured for $3 million dollars – a cool million more than what he had to pay for it – so you could definitely say that he may not be all that upset about losing his car.

In addition to that, the burned down McLaren is now on its way to England, back to its factory where engineers will figure out if there’s anything salvageable with the supercar. For the sake of the owner, let’s just hope that the McLaren F1’s chassis remains intact.

Either way, it’s still a sickening feeling to see one of rarest cars in the world – only 100 has ever been made – meet its maker far too soon.
