If you're still feeling paranoid that the soccer moms will be able to penetrate your BMW X5 security, then upgrade to the Knight XV. Taking a bow a SEMA, this $295,000 urban assault vehicle is Pimp My Ride meets a disputed eastern European country. This fully armored vehicle comes with Wilton Wool carpeting, Andrew Muirhead leather, 6-way seating, tandem sunroof glass with privacy shades, side-mounted laptop stations, LED cabin lighting, an Alpine DVD navigation and Bluetooth connectivity, TVs, night vision and rear operation camera system, and a PlayStation 3.

The company says it uses biofuel to power the 400 hp V10. So if anybody asks, you can just tell them it runs off the people who get in your way.

The makers are looking to have an initial run of 100 vehicles. That may be fine considering there's got to be at least that many ultra-rich out there who describe the outside world as doing the hell-in-a-handbasket thing.
