In this economy, $90,000 is a treasure chest for a lot of people. It’s enough money to sustain a decent-sized household for an extended period of time. But for Neiman Marcus, $90,000 is only enough money to score you this rad-tastic racing simulator just in time for the holidays.

Pretty sweet, right?

If you’re the lucky few that can afford to throw 90 grand on the Pinel & Pinel Arcade Trunk, then we applaud you for it. It’s not like you’re splurging on a designer handbag, or even a diamond-encrusted timepiece. Nope, it’s a racing simulator that comes with controllers for four people, a 55-inch Sony 3D TV, racing seats, a PlayStation 3, a Thrustmaster T500RS wheel, a Bluetooth system, a multitude of microphones, a choice of 24 games, and, for the aesthetically inclined, 51 different colors for the calfskin cabinet.

And they said we love to splurge on unnecessary items. Trust us, if you’ve got the money and a sizable chunk of free space in your living room, there’s nothing unnecessary about this racing simulator.
