But despite our reservations, there are a number of car analysts that see the move as an exciting opportunity for SSC to conquer new territories, so to speak. “Sales of super luxury cars are on the rise in emerging economies such as China and India. These are seen as stable markets for such cars,” one of them said.

We don’t disregard the fact that there are a lot of filthy rich people in India that can probably afford to buy more than just one Aero. There was even a report filed by Merrill Lynch Capgemini saying that India is the hotbed for upstart young millionaires and – coincidence or not – luxury cars have become the fastest selling auto segment in the country.

Then again, who are we to judge where the Ultimate Aero is going to be shipped. If some rich young buck in India wants to buy the car, then more power to him. We just hope that he takes really good care of it.