When two Fisker->ke1074 cars catch on fire within months of each other, what's the first action you may expect from the car company? We would expect a thorough evaluation of the situation, a final determination, then maybe some internal rearranging, given the second fire is found to be caused by an issue with the company’s manufacturing process.

They must do things a little differently at Fisker, as it has chosen to replace its CEO – the second time that has happened this year, by the way – and replace him with Chevy->ke199 Volt->ke2721 line director, Tony Posawatz. Interesting last name for a guy heading up a hybrid car company... Reuters is also reporting that the fired CEO will be around to offer “fatherly advice” to the new CEO, but he will not hold a formal role with the company.

We don't know if Fisker's latest CEO to enter the revolving door has anything to do with the Fisker-b-q that's been going on recently, but the timing sure does seem a little strange to us. We are actually due to talk with Fisker at some point today, so we will make certain to ask their rep all about this situation while we're on the phone with him.

We're pretty sure we'll get a canned response about the dismissal, but it's well worth a try nonetheless. We'll let you know what we hear from the rep, if he tells us anything at all.
