Just like us, all cars have an expiration date. Now, if your car has reached it's last leg, you could take it to the nearest dumpster. Or you could get creative and donate it to some cause, like say, the Commonwealth Second Amendment (Comm2A), a group that aims to "bring some sanity to Massachusetts gun laws.

Here's a Porsche 911->ke282, or rather, a completely disheveled 911 with a dead engine and a $20,000 repair bill staring at its owner's face. Instead of swallowing his pride and forking over the dough to repair the sports car, the owner decided to donate the car to Comm2A, a non-profit organization that aims to protect gun rights.

For their part, the people of Comm2A seemed to have a pretty good idea on what to do with the 911: pepper it with as many gun shots as humanly possible. Might sound like a crime to do to a car like the Porsche->ke1 911, but according to Comm2A, the car really had no other purpose; its condition was bad enough that you couldn't even sell off the parts individually.

So instead of salvaging it, might as well give it some kind of send-off, right?

Continued after the jump, including videos of the carnage.

According Tom, a member of Comm2A, "We figured it would be a good time, cars are nice large targets, these shoots tend to be social events, they're fun times for people to hang out, get together, and chat. Obviously, there's lots of shooting."

Obviously, indeed.

So the stage was set for the massacre, or should we say 'Porsche-ssacre'. The fundraiser event, which was co-hosted by the Northeast Shooters, was chalk full of gun aficionados, all of which wanted a piece of target shooting on the 911. Armed with just about any variant of hand guns and rifles, the gathered crowd completely eviscerated the poor 911.

We don't know how many bullets were fired on the car, but people over at Comm2A estimated that about 10,000 bullets were let loose on the hapless Porsche.

Even with all that firepower, the 911 still held its own. Somewhat at least. "Right by the gas cap there are almost no rounds penetrating through the car," said Tom. "It's amazingly strong enough to not allow rounds to go through all the way. There was another spot between the engine and the passenger compartment that didn't allow rounds to go through. That basically just lets me know whatever passenger zone it was strong enough to stop bullets."

It may look the part of a battered and bruised Porsche 911 - and its definitely something we don't wish on any other Porsche owner - but at least it was done for charity, which makes everything justified, right?