A lot of people have been cruising along with the wind in their hair and their radio blasting when all of a sudden their euphoric state is disrupted by blue and red flashing lights. Dozens of thoughts start circling in your brain. What does he want? Was I doing anything wrong? Was I speeding? Doesn’t he have anything better to do? Yes, a lot of people have been the victim of a speeding ticket. Whether you meant to be speeding or not, it doesn’t really matter. Whether you cry or flirt or make excuses, it doesn’t always work. Every once in a while you will be handed that flippin’ speeding ticket that instantly deflates your mood and blasts you from the oasis you’ve been hanging out in all day.

Why such a dramatic intro, you say? Well, we are here to tell you that even though a lot of people have been dealt a speeding ticket now and again, some states have it worse than others. A thought to ponder…do these states have more speeding tickets because there are tons more people speeding or is it simply because there are more boys in blue dedicated to stopping the insanity that is a speeding deviant?

It may all boil down to the classic chicken and the egg scenario of which came first, but, nonetheless, you may want to hit the jump to check out which speeding ticket happy states you may want to avoid in your automotive travels. And if you are unfortunate enough to live in one of them then please accept our condolences.

10. Massachusetts

9. Delaware

8. South Carolina

7. New Mexico

6. Maryland

5. Mississippi

4. North Dakota

3. Vermont

2. Wyoming

1. Washington, D.C. (okay, not really a state, but it made the list)