The new-generation Ford Mustang will be unveiled on December 5th, but for those of you who want a quick look back at the evolution of the Mustang, Ford ->ke31 has prepared a little video (above) for you.

This new morphing video crams 50 years of famous -- and some infamous -- Mustang designs into 100 seconds, giving you the chance to remember all of the changes the Mustang ->ke428 endured through its storied history.

For those of you who are not as familiar with the Mustang's lifespan, Ford unveiled the Mustang in 1964 and to date, it has gone through five different generations, all with a specific design language and with a different engine lineup.

The sixth-generation Mustang will be unveiled at the end of this week, and it will be offered with a series of innovative changes, like the availability of an independent rear suspension and a global design language.
