We all remember the Pepsi Max prank where Jeff Gordon->ke767 took a "car salesperson" on the ride of his lifetime. Well, it turned out that this video was a complete fake, and the folks at Jalopnik were one of the first to catch the issues eventually led to us all figuring out it was a fake.

Jalopnik didn't stop at just mentioning it, they went above and beyond by digging deep into the video and picking out every little detail that made it fake. Well, apparently, Jeff Gordon and the Folks at Pepsi didn't take too kindly to this, and they decided to take the author of these pieces, Travis Okulski, on his own little surprise joyride.

The video is downright hilarious, and Travis makes it rather clear that the clip is 100-percent real. Have a look at the video (above) and let us know how you would react in the same situation.

You can also check out Travis's recollection of the whole event Jalopnik}.

Click past the jump to see the original (fake) Test Drive video.