What sex is your car?

For as long as I can remember there has always be a tendency for people to give a male or female name to things, like boats, planes and cars, in films when the captain of a ship needs full power, they always say that she will do it. The same is for cars, many people give their cars a sex for some reason, maybe it is a reassuring feeling that you are its master and need to care for it, which sort of makes you the parent, rather than the owner of the car.

In a recent survey it has been found that the sex of a car sometimes actually changes sex as it get older for women and the complete opposite for men, so there is some sort of physiological process going here, there is also a regional effect, in larger cities the car owners are less likely to give their cars a sex, yet in rural areas there is an almost emotional attachment to their cars, maybe because they rely on their cars so much, there is a bond that builds, and it was noted that some car owners had become so emotionally attached to their cars, that they cried when they sold the car!