322 feet, 7 1/2 inches. This is the new world record for a motorcycle jump and it was established by Robbie Madison at the Rio hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada on New Year’s Eve. Performing on a Honda CR500, the daredevil and freestyle rider had to face 10-12 mph headwind and still made it all look so easy.

Afterwards, Maddison dedicated the jump to Evel Knievel and mentioned, "It was just such a shame wasn't here to see the jump as he has always said it couldn't be done." Furthermore, it incited his audience with a next world record by adding, "I know I can go further than tonight. I wasn't going to show my full hand before March 29."

We can only wait for the event on the announced date to see if that is possible, but I believe we got a great preview to work with until then.