One month ago, our friends over at Jalopnik spotted one of the more insane craigslist ads we’ve seen in quite some time – a ’98 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4 with an asking price of a half-million bucks. American. Obviously, a figure like that leads us to ask a few questions. Did the car carry the world’s first fully self-aware AI? Did it run on starlight and unicorn dreams? Did past owners include Elvis, JFK, and Jesus? Unfortunately, the answer to each of these questions is a firm “no,” so what’s the justification here? Well, the car in question is undeniably clean and a top-notch example of one of Mitsubishi’s best ‘90s era sports cars, but you’ll have to forgive our incredulity at ponying up Lamborghini Aventador money for a 20-year-old Japanese import, no matter how well maintained it might be. Welp, it looks like the seller agrees, but not in the way you might expect, as the same Mitsubishi just reappeared on craigslist, this time tagged with an asking price of a cool million dollars. El. Oh. El.

Of course, the seller is eager to list some of the finer points of such a “legendary” vehicle, speculating that it could be “1 of 231” examples, and that it was “Featured in Glacier White Pearl in-car on a PS2 Screen Shot while waiting for the first Street Race of the first Fast and the Furious movie.” How prestigious.

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The Full Story

At this point, the seller in question has to be trolling us, right? The price jump from $500K to $1 million is in itself completely absurd, but to then attempt to rationalize it by saying the model has its own “Dedicated Forums and Wikipedia Page(s)”? Smells like a troll to me. Making it worse are the blatant contradictions, like the assertion of “0 owner carfax certified” alongside screenshots of service records up to 68,000 miles.

But who knows – maybe the seller truly believes this Mitsu is worth seven figures. And maybe, just maybe, there’s someone out there with enough money to indulge in the ludicrous fantasy that “OEM Mitsubishi 18s Chrome Rimes” and a “Premium tan leather interior” put it at the same level as a McLaren P1.

Probably not, though.