Posting videos of speeding vehicles on YouTube may seem fun, and can even be profitable in some instances, but it comes with a whole host of risks. First and foremost, there’s the ever present danger that if said car’s license plate is shown in a video, then the police can easily track the owner and issue them with a host of driving violations.

Well, that’s exactly what recently happened to a 38-year-old, Japanese CEO named Mikami Tadao. He was recently captured after the following video depicted him speeding through a Japanese tunnel, at what’s suspected to be 97 mph or almost 60 mph faster than the legal speed limit.

Although the video certainly doesn’t seem to capture the offending Lamborghini Gallardo traveling at those speeds, we’ll take Asahi’s word for it. Nevertheless, Tadao was clearly speeding through the tunnel based on how many car’s the Italian supercar passes, and on one hand we can understand the attraction of pinning the throttle to capture the glorious V-10 cacophony of the car, but on the other hand, posting the video on YouTube obviously pushed it a bit too far.

The offense is believed to have occurred January 2, 2010 and the man was captured on March 9 this year, and we believe, he’s still behind bars with an array of traffic offenses expected to be passed down on him when, and if, the case ever makes it to court.

Check out the video, and be sure to keep in mind that if you ever plan to break the speed limit and film it (which, of course, we don’t condone), please don’t post it online!
