Halloween is right around the corner, and I’m sure a lot of you are already gearing up on what costume you plan on wearing for the occasion. I understand the feeling because I’m in the same boat as most of you are. Fortunately, I stumbled upon a low-cost, do-it-yourself costume that will not only highlight your creativity, but also your dry sense of humor.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the DIY Volkswagen Diesel Scandal Costume and it’s completely brilliant! For one thing, there’s no need to go to a costume store and rent out a garish wardrobe that’s probably been worn one too many times already. You also won’t need to have your costumes tailored because all you need is to buy some of the accessories that are needed to make this costume and use household items for the rest.

The deluxe smoke mask, for example, only costs $34.99. Then there’s the video game car costume that only costs $19.99 and the glow in the dark spider webs that sell for just $4.99. Add all that up and you’re still below $60. Some of the items on this DIY list should be easier to find too. Unless I’m mistaken, a toilet paper tube, a gas can, black spray paint, and a box shouldn’t be too hard to find, right?

Once you have all of them, making the actual costume can be done in as easy as three steps. Rest assured, showing up at a Halloween party dressed in this costume will surely invite a lot of conversations. Volkswagen->ke94 owners may not find it funny, but for the rest of us, it’s definitely worth working, just for the sake of getting a few laughs out of it.

Continue reading for the full story.

Why it matters

First of all, it’s important to understand the occasion. Halloween is supposed to be one of the few days in that year that everyone can enjoy without taking things too seriously. Dressing up in costumes is one of the most important traditions of the day, so we should all be given the freedom to dress up however we want to.

I understand that this costume might not be funny to some people, especially those with affected Volkswagen models. But, let’s be real about this too. This isn’t meant to be a slight against Volkswagen, nor is it supposed to make fun of the company’s current - and pretty serious - problem.

This DIY costume is meant to be enjoyed and talked about, not prodded and criticized. It’s Halloween! Instead of objecting to the message of this costume, let’s all just sit back, relax, and chuckle at its attempt to make light of a serious situation.