Morgan->ke60 is very much a unique car company: it makes cars you either love or hate. The folks at XCar are definitely in the love-it camp, and in this video,->ke278 they not only say it, but also show it by taking a roofless->ke144 model out for a test drive in January. That's something you're likely to do only if you really love a car. This enthusiasm is understandable though, especially given the fact that this is one of only 60 units of the Plus 8 Speedster that Morgan will build.

The car is special edition to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the company, which is still family owned after a century of operation. It manages this by having its niche more or less all to itself, building cars by hand that have the appearance of machines from the 1930s. It's an odd approach, but it has clearly worked for them, and the cars have a definite charm to them. It might be strange to feel nostalgic for a time you probably weren't alive for, but Morgan can make sure that you at least have fun doing it.

Morgan Plus 8 Speedster

Read our full review here.