After struggling for the past year with sputtering sales, Chrysler->ke21 has bounced back from its mediocre run and is looking to reinvent itself to once again become a major driving force in the US auto industry.

And according to patent filings done by the company at the US Patent and Trademark Office, it looks like one of the first steps Chrysler is taking towards the road to redemption is changing their company’s logo.

Over the years, the company hasn’t been shy in changing their logo. Before today, the last change occurred just last year after the company decided to tweak their previous logo to ‘The New Chrysler’. Less than a year after that logo was made, the company has decided to completely change it to a winged logo that has a blue emblem in the middle with the word ‘Chrysler’ spread across it.

Now, Chrysler has yet to confirm the change in the company’s logo, but they’ve also announced that there will be a press briefing tomorrow so you can expect that at some point during the whole event, the topic of the impending logo change will crop up.

In the meantime, check out the history of the Chrysler logo from its inception in the 1950’s to the latest one that will – supposedly – be announced tomorrow.
