Replicas are fun cars when they pay tribute to great cars. Porsche Speedster replicas are a good example. They use almost original parts (junkyard VW Beetles) and create a replica of a beautiful car for very little money. Things start to go a little bad when people take the never-loved but always underpowered Pontiac Fiero and TRY to make it look like a Ferrari. Finally there's the completely wrong ideas like the Chrysler made into a 600 SL of last week - the car above definitely falls under the last category.

This non-R8 was caught somewhere in Europe. While the exterior may fool some of the girls at the dance club, the interior is a dead giveaway to it humble Ford Probe roots.

Some may think this is a good idea for those who can't afford a real Audi R8, but at a price of about $50,000 for the kit, the owner could have had an genuine Audi A5.

And don't forget about the $1,500 for the Ford Probe donor car. Because after speeding that kind of cash for a kit, you'll feel like you've gotten a good probe.
