There’s something to be said about getting drunk and ending up in bed with a random stranger. It happens quite frequently. But, to get drunk and have sex with a car? Seems a little outrageous, right? Be that as it may, it actually happened just a few days ago. The police department of Newton, Kansas received a call about a naked man lying under a car. Upon arrival, the 24-year-old man wasn’t only naked but was attempting to have sex with the car. According to Lt. Scott Powell of the aforementioned police department, the man “was attempting to stick his penis into the tailpipe of the vehicle.”

To make matters even worse.. or ahem.. stranger, the man wouldn’t even respond to officers. He was apparently high on some kind of drugs, and he was drunk too. Drunk to the point that his blood alcohol level was registered at .35. The man was practically incoherent. In the end, officers on the scene tasered him and took him to the emergency room. It should also be noted that the man had a head injury that was apparently inflicted prior to his rather off interaction with police that night. In the end, the man will likely be charged with lewd and lascivious behavior which is a misdemeanor in the state of Kansas.

So that begs the question: How drunk is too drunk and how far will you go to get your jollies off in an inebriated state?


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