Whether we like it or not, Tesla’s Cybertruck is bound to populate our news feeds for longer than we expected. Helped by the now infamous “armour” windows blunder caused by your humble metal ball, the wave of mockery is getting thicker and thicker. Classier, too.

Such an example of a neat trollage came earlier this week from Tesla’s fellow carmaker BMW, as Munich’s social media department saw the window shattering a good opportunity to pile up more exposure for BMW’s bulletproof X5 Protection VR6. And then came Lego.

While we were still laughing at BMW’s classy poke at the failed “armour” windows test underwent by the Tesla Cybertruck, Lego joined the joke bandwagon with a hilarious post on Twitter.

This, fellas, is fine trolling at its best.

But as it usually happens in the real of all social everything, the post amassed a number of replies that are, to some extent, even juicier than the initial trollage. I mean, people have been replying with stuff like their own Cybertruck sets made of spare Lego parts, gifs, drawings, videos, pretty much the whole nine yards.

You can check out some of the best replies below:

Wait, what? Are you saying that Lego will come up with a Cybertruck-inspired set?



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after_label=Tesla Cybertruck>

Well, yes and no. As in, yes, Lego has come up with a plasticky Cybertruck. And no, it’s not exactly a set and it surely isn’t for sale. I mean, you can hardly call a set something that’s made of five pieces, not when Lego’s affair with car-inspired sets includes the Speed Champions series and the occasionally Creator and Technic stunner.

But since we mentioned those, the Cybertruck’s angular exoskeleton-y body shouldn’t be too hard to recreate using Lego’s famous plastic bricks. In fact, the effort of manufacturing such a set would be minimal - all Lego would need to do is churn out a bunch of grey pieces and some black ones as well, then come up with a sort of platform and four rubber wheels. And that’s pretty much it.

Final Thoughts

After BMW, Lego has now joined the Cybertruck joke train. And we love it. But we must admit one thing, though: blunder or no blunder, armor glass or no armor glass, the incident has got people talking. Heck, my mother knows what a Cybertruck is these days and she’s not what you would call an enthusiastic presence on social media. So, we’ve said it before and will say it now: Musk is known to master the art of the hype, and while the window-breaking incident is still a mysterious happening, it did generate enough exposure for the Cybertruck - and Tesla - to reach new levels of notoriety. We’re waiting for one thing, though: since 200k+ people reserved a Cybertruck over the past week, it’ll be very interesting to see how many will actually go through with their order. If the better part of them goes forward and pays for the electric truck, then Musk wins. But the road ahead is rather long, so I guess we’re just gonna have to be patient to see how things play out.