For the record, this BMW->ke178 viral video, which has been circulating the Internet for quite some time now, was not paid for or made or even associated with BMW. The car manufacturer has made it abundantly clear that they did not make this video nor do they endorse the things that are included in it.

That being said, we have no idea why BMW won’t endorse a video that put them in such a good light, to the point where it pretty much covered all its bases to promote BMW in just a little under four minutes.

Maybe it’s because of the cartoonish way the ad was created or maybe it was a case of tooting one’s horn a little too much. Either way, this BMW viral video does present the whole image of BMW as a brand committed to giving its customers the safest and highest quality car out on the market these days.

Check it out and see for yourself. We’re confident that after seeing it, you’re going to be asking the same questions we asked when we first saw it. If this ad spoke glowingly of BMW, why couldn’t those guys acknowledge the people behind this video.

After all, they did nothing but make BMW look like the best car brand in the world.
