It seems the people over at General Motors have a little too much time on their hands. On Tuesday, G.M. sent a memo to Chevrolet employees that asked them to stop saying Chevy. The memo promoted the importance of consistency for the brand, which has been the nation's best selling brand for years.

Chevy, err, I mean Chevrolet, is asking employees to drop one of the longest lived nicknames in product history.

“We’d ask that whether you’re talking to a dealer, reviewing dealer advertising, or speaking with friends and family, that you communicate our brand as Chevrolet->ke199 moving forward,” said the memo, which was signed by Alan Batey, vice president for Chevrolet sales and service, and Jim Campbell, the G.M. division’s vice president for marketing.

“When you look at the most recognized brands throughout the world, such as Coke or Apple for instance, one of the things they all focus on is the consistency of their branding,” the memo said. “Why is this consistency so important? The more consistent a brand becomes, the more prominent and recognizable it is with the consumer.”

Getting rid of Chevy might be harder than they think. According to the New York Times, the word Chevy appears dozens of times on the company’s website. Slogans such as, “Experience Chevy” are everywhere.

No matter what Chevrolet->ke199 is asking people to do, it seems hard to imagine that anything will come of this. People will always use Chevy when referring to their cars. Long live Chevy.
