By now, we’ve already seen and heard about Top Gear’s Christmas Special where the troika of Clarkson, Hammond, and May went out for a trip to Israel to go to Bethlehem while reprising the role of the three kings in their nooky-kooky drop tops.

But what we didn’t know was that their trip to Bethlehem would be a lot trickier than just navigating their drop tops along the streets of Israel. In this teaser video leading up to the Christmas Special, the hosts arrive in the Middle East courtesy of a cargo plane only to find out that Bethlehem was 1,200 miles away.

With Top Gear, there’s always a catch, right?

In this case, it’s this: instead of landing in Israel, they touched down in – of all places – Iraq. From there, they would have to drive the 1,200 miles to Bethlehem and while being careful to avoid all the wars currently happening between here and there. And by the way, they also must pick up gold, frankincense, and myrrh along the way.

Not feeling so ‘wise’ now, huh?
