It’s Veterans Day, and all of us here at TopSpeed would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to those brave men and women that have served our country. In honor of this day, we’ve put together a video compilation that highlights some of the more interesting machines used by militaries across the world. Included is a list of 25 cutting-edge ground vehicles, a look at how vehicles are tested before they are put into service, and a list of the top five military trucks and armored cars.

If you’re looking for a way to help out a veteran, Continue reading to check out the videos. has a nice list of charities to check out, including the Wounded Warrior Project, Homes For Our Troops, and the USO. You could also check out volunteering opportunities at Veterans Affairs hospitals and facilities, or possibly get involved with the Veterans Initiative at Canine Companions for Independence. You can also simply say “thank you” to a veteran.


Military Truck Challenge: Can Your Vehicle Climb Walls?

Our first video comes from Bloomberg, and gives a run down of 25 noteworthy ground vehicles used for military service. There are rapid deployment vehicles, modified versions of vehicles available to the public, hovercrafts, ground drones, and a whole lot more. There are even a few watercraft thrown in for good measure.

Top 5 Military Trucks, Armored Heavy Cars

Our next video is a short from Military Star, which took a look at what it takes to get the military to consider a vehicle for service. The video highlights the Oshkosh Corporation, which designs, produces, and supports tactical vehicles. Before sending in a product for consideration, Oshkosh tests and refines on a demanding track that includes rough terrain, severe grades, and other obstacles.

Top 5 Military Trucks, Armored Heavy Cars

Our last video is from Military Star, which gives us a break down the heavy duty vehicles used by the U.S. Military