About a week ago, we showed you a video of a mentally fried dude doing his best Need for Speed impersonation: carelessly drifting on public roads with not a care in the world. We emphasized the dangers of being that reckless, no matter how cool it looks.

Turns out, another one of those videos has appeared on the 'Net, only this time, the perp can be seen driving a Lexus IS-F. The situations are different, but the dangers certainly aren't. In this case, the driver successfully pulls off the high-speed drive in the middle of traffic, narrowly escaping crashing while doing his dangerous stunt.

Technically speaking, he pulls off an impressive drift. – added brownie points for the degree of difficulty but in all sense and sensibilities, this is the kind of drift we don't encourage. We said it before, if you're going to drift, make sure it's in the appropriate environment where won't risk your life and the lives of those around you.

The shorthand version: don’t be an idiot when you drift.
