There’s no price tag for having balls of steel, that’s for sure; these two snowmobilers are living proof of that.

In a demonstration of expert snowmobile-riding, two young fellows will show you the things you can do when you have a snowmobile and a frozen reservoir with some pretty steep concrete walls on both sides.

The video starts off rather casually as the two ride their snowmobiles along the banks of the reservoir. After a few rounds of casual riding, snowmobiler number 1 decides to scale the side of one of the concrete walls, going as high as 30 feet before successfully landing on top. Pretty impressive, to say the least.

Undaunted, snowmobiler number two decides to one-up his buddy by going up the other side of the reservoir, which, by our calculation, is about 70 or so feet above the floor. After getting his momentum going, he pushes his snowmobile into high gear and after a few tense seconds, manages to get himself and his ride safely on top of the other side.

We wouldn’t be caught dead attempting something like this so we’ll leave it up to these young bucks who seem to get jacked up at the thought of committing suicidal feats.

Way to go, fellas.
