Here in the States, we don’t need to overtake other drivers via an oncoming lane as we have a huge network of highways. But it’s not like that in some places of the world, where main routes of long-distance transportation are more like country roads here – long, two-lane roads with bi-directional traffic. Naturally, you have to overtake someone from time to time but in busier areas of the road it happens a lot more often, and there’s always a turd in the punch bowl. In other words, there’s always some idiot that’s in so much of a rush; they can’t be bothered with waiting for a safe time to pass. That’s what this video of the day is all about – idiots who make bad decisions at the worst times. Not all idiots in this video cause car accidents but some do. The important thing to take away from this: Don’t be a retard and wait for a safe time to pass.


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