Off-road->ke450 riders on public trails in New Hampshire, Idaho and Massachusetts have been finding a variety of booby-traps, to include “rattlesnakes” (boards with nails in them), broken glass, loose nails and cables strung across the path. The most egregious instance (so far) involves a piece of barbed wire strung across the path right about four-feet high, just the right height to catch on a full-size dirtbike->ke295 or possibly decapitate a younger rider or someone on a four-wheeler->ke459.

The American Motorcyclist Association has issued a warning for trail->ke741 riders in these areas, but this is just the latest incident; areas in the Four Corners have also been found to have similar traps scattered about in recent years. I think it is safe to say that all off-road riders should exercise greater-than-usual caution when riding, and to be on the lookout for any suspicious-looking characters or activity in such areas.

Continue reading for my take on this atrocity.

Be Safe

As an avid rider of many years, I've seen all sorts of shade thrown in every direction. We have the usual inter-brand animosities (especially amongst race fans), Japanese vs. Euro vs. American-made angst, dirt vs. sport->ke631 vs. cruiser->ke392, et cetera, ad infinitum ad nauseum.

Sometimes it's more like a sibling rivalry, and sometimes a little more salty than that, but rarely does it rise to the level of trying to wound/maim/kill. Cagers vs. bikers get a bit closer to that level, with cars cutting off lanesplitters, intentionally swerving into us and other forms of assault, but even that falls short of the douchebaggery being engaged in on public trails.

Oh, and as satisfying as it might be to correct someone you catch engaging in such jackassery, it would be best to call the local authorities and let them handle it. Be careful out there folks!