You'd think that you have heard it all. Biker gangs are normal, and have been in existence since mankind started riding motorcycles. We've also seen more and more preachers taking to their Harleys. But nuns?

Yes, there is an order within the Church that has nuns on bikes. They don't ride them though. The motorcycles belong to the Muskegon Motorcycle Gang, and when they visit Milwaukee, the place they stay is with the honorary members of their motorcycle club; the Sisters of Charity of St. Joan Antida.

The sisters have provided shelter to the motorcycle club, and in return, the club have taken them for rides and made them members.

The “affair” started during Harley-Davidson's 100th birthday bash. The MMG couldn't find a place to stay, and turned to the nuns, who willingly hosted them. Since then, the club has kept in contact with the Sisters, and for the 105th birthday bash, they stayed with the Order again.

A love affair on on first sight? Ride Nice, Pray Hard....