Commuter motorcycles are...well…used to commute basically. But for many folks in Africa and India, carry anything and everything under the sun on these puny little machines. Free from stuff like a roof, windows or doors, you can carry some surprisingly tall, long or wide objects on a motorcycle.

How about long poles for drying fish?? Weird right? Not according to Richard Hammond.

For the season finale, the chaps of the motoring show Grand Tour have embarked on a journey to end world hunger (Just the small village of Bingo in Mozambique they mean). And Richard Hammond has opted to travel 200 miles transporting fish on a 99cc TVS Star HLX across Mozambique.

Check the video to see how much fun they both had.

TVS made the Star HLX exclusively for the African commuter market with a not-so-impressive 7 hp of power. And it costs only $800 off the shelf.