Sarah ‘Lezito’ Vignot. A girl who has been gifted with a bank of talent to dance around with a machine on two-wheels. And she is here to teach us mortals how to makes rear-wheel steering look like child's play, and also keep our hands and legs intact. Her guide on how to learn to drift on your motorcycle:

Where, for some, balancing on two wheels becomes a task, Sarah takes it to a different level altogether. She is said to have completely evolved into easily perform wheelies, circles, 180 degrees and wheelies with no hands. Her fetish tricks are flip stoppies and rear wheelies.

This tutorial will show you how to drift your rear of the motorcycle the easiest way. It’s basically keeping the rear wheel spinning while you keep your balance on the bike.

Of course, she has had her share of multiple falls and fractures on her body. Yet she practices every single day without fail. She says “for new tricks you still have to disconnect your brain for a few seconds, to forget that you can fall, and that is the hardest work. Just do it! Don’t care what people think about. If you want, you can!”