To what lengths would you go to just so you can honor a friend who passed on earlier han he should have. For those who considered motorcycle rider JR Ross Macrae a friend, the first annual JR Macrae Invitational Ice Race is the answer to that question.

See, Macrae was an up-and-coming motorcycle racer who had just built up an impressive career competing in the Canadian SuperBike Championships. But an accident at Le Circuit Mont-Tremblant in Montreal on August 25, 2013 changed everything. Macrae was involved in an accident, succumbing to his injuries that ended up costing him his life.

The accident spurred his friends to honor his memory by hosting the annual JR Macrae Invitational Ice Race to pay homage to their fallen buddy. In addition to that, a documentary titled “A Weekend to Remember”, was also developed to honor the life and times of the young rider from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

I personally don’t know who JR Macrae is but I did spend time to watch the documentary. It’s a pretty heartbreaking ordeal that no family should go through. And yet the family of Macrae had to deal with the horrifying reality that one of their own lost his life in an accident that could’ve been avoided.

The video is a sobering reminder to the fragility of our lives and that no matter how high we ride sometimes, it can all be taken away in a blink of an eye. Check out the video and give it a watch. It’s close to an hour long, but if you want to know about the story of JR Macrae and the life that was taken on that fateful August afternoon, the video is definitely worth spending 60 minutes of your time watching it.
