If you’ve been a fan of the Iron Man series, you must have definitely been jealous about Robert Downey Jr's very own talking computer which is 'Just A Rather Very Intelligent System'.

It looks like we are not far from that reality. Artificial Intelligence has been the hot topic in the technology world with both sides of the table blaring horns debating its usefulness and its destructive capabilities. With personal devices like Amazon’s Alexa or a Google Home already entering our houses, why shouldn't it also be the one we ride with?

Presenting the MOTOROiD, Yamaha->ke301 definitely thinks so.

To be unveiled at the upcoming Tokyo Motor Show later this month, Yamaha is betting big on Artificial Intelligence that can validate the concept of "personal mobility where people and machines resonate".

And true to the word 'concept', MOTOROiD sure does look like one. The alienated machine runs on battery packs, of course, and is sure a lot cleverer than your average mopeds. On the looks of it, it just makes no sense. But so was the concept of flying in the 19th century.

Making use of intelligent communications technology and Artificial intelligence, the system will be able to recognize the rider’s voice and emotions, and if given instructions, it will probably react accordingly. This will enable both rider and machine to communicate and open a whole new dimension to the phenomena called ‘motorcycling’.

This constant interaction between the rider and the machine will allow both to develop a unique personality, which was never experienced before in the history of motorcycling. One will start looking at a motorcycle as a coach with which he can communicate and make his riding experience take up a few thousand notches higher.

It will be interesting to see how Yamaha will take this concept forward and merge it with everyday riding. There are two other Japanese honchos investing in AI systems and developing their own version of the concept. Honda, as we all know has the ASIMO and Kawasaki is on with developing its own Communications Technology embedded with the motorcycle.

These are exciting times for the industry, but it is a big gamble taken up when it comes to judging what one perceives as ‘riding experience’. This could as well take away the concept of ‘self-learning’ to become an advanced and experienced rider, which will not happen if the rider is always coddled with the AI toy from the beginning of his riding.

No doubt it is going to save a lot of lives probably, but getting a bigger picture here is hazy. Something like what the auto-shift did to driving cars.

Apart from this concept, Yamaha will also be showcasing three other crazy models including the MOTOBOT V.2.0, an autonomous riding robot that fuses motorcycle technology and robotics technology which will challenge the legend himself, Valentino Rossi, to beat his lap time.

Then there will be an electric assisted bicycle and a leaning multi-wheel (LMW) concept that seems to bridge the gap between two and four wheels.

Yamaha MOTOBOT V.2.0
